Why use DevBricks?

  • To Improve Your Project's Success Rate
  • To Empower Your Developers with Clear & Actionable Information
  • To Expedite Your Products Time to Market
  • To Lower Operational Costs
  • To Gain a New Level of Insight for Your Businesses Needs

Addressing an age old development problem.

It's no secret that throughout the tech industry the failure rate for new solutions is extremely high - with research from groups like The Standish Group putting the failure rate as high as 50 percent. One of the main reasons for these failures listed throughout these study is due to a break down of communication between departments in regards to the new solutions scale, requirements and timelines.

Here at DevBricks, It's our mission to change that.

Catching issues in the early stages of development

User Stories form the backbone of the development cycle, guiding as the blueprints and requirements for each feature needing to be built. Yet, a major hurdle for development teams is consistently receiving subpar User Stories. This often leads to miscommunication, the wrong features being built, and hefty operational costs for corrections.

Enter our solution, DevBricks "User Story Health Metric." This innovative tool assesses your team's User Stories on a scale of 1-100, against the requirements outlined by your project manager. The tool then provides tailored recommendations for the writers to boost the User Story's quality before team distribution, saving your team time, resources and reducing risk.

How DevBricks Rates User Stories

Ensuring that every user story crafted by your team is of the highest quality possible, DevBricks' User Story

Health Metric is adept at reviewing and offering recommendations to enhance your team's work.

But how does DevBricks evaluate your user stories? What criteria does it employ? DevBricks conducts Health Checks to ensure that your user stories adhere to the INVEST principles:

Independent: Each user story should stand alone and not rely on other stories for completion.

Negotiable: User stories should be open to discussion and negotiation between the development team.

Valuable: Every user story should deliver tangible value to the end user or customer.

Estimable: User stories should be estimable in terms of effort or complexity by the development team.

Small: User stories should be scoped small enough to be completed within a single iteration or sprint.

Testable: Each user story should come with clear acceptance criteria that enable testing to ascertain completion.

Handling the common and repetitive tasks

Once a user story has achieved an acceptable health rating, users will gain access to the “Build the Code” feature. DevBricks will then leverage the provided user story information to generate personalized code.

Our highly flexible back end enables your developers to choose the required technologies and formats for exporting code. The generated code is then seamlessly delivered to a designated code branch, empowering developers by enhancing their productivity and allowing them to focus on the intricate aspects of coding.

Currently DevBricks supports automated coding for: JAVA, C#, PYTHON, .NET

Integrated stand-up bot

Another valuable tool that DevBricks adds to your development ecosystem is our integrated stand-up bot. These customizable bots seamlessly integrate into your preferred communication system keeping your team informed about the status of all code generated through DevBricks.

By dedicating a channel to this bot, you can ensure that the right individuals stay informed about all your project's status.

Currently DevBricks supports bots for: SLACK

Keeping you up to date!

Always updating!

Have a technology we don't currently support? Wish DevBricks was in GitHub? Don't worry, it's probably on it's way. DevBricks is still in its early days, but we do have a long and interesting road map ahead of us that we can't wait to share with you. Some of the great things we can share that are on our horizon are:

  • Existing Code Support
  • Code Assessment
  • GitHub Integration

Have a feature you want added to DevBricks?