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Building Strong
Foundations To Overcome
Your Development Hurdles!

An AI-powered toolkit for development teams seeking to automate the enhancement of business requirements and accelerate the delivery of new solutions

Seamlessly integrates into:

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What is DevBricks?

DevBricks is a user story and code generation companion tool that integrates into your CI/CD (Continuous Integration, Continuous Development) pipeline to enhance and accelerate the development of your business applications.

This software seamlessly integrates into a user's preferred project management system allowing them to utilise cutting-edge machine learning to refine project requirements and automate personalized code generation.

What‘s included?

User story health check

This powerful tool offers integrated user story health checks and suggestions to ensure that your development team receives consistent, relevant, and accurate information.
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A graphic titled 'User Story Health Check' displaying a checklist for user story health metrics and a star rating system, as part of the DevBricks software development tools

Automatic code generation

Unlike other code generation tools, DevBricks leverages your user stories in combination with our highly customizable blueprint engine to ensure that all generated code perfectly aligns with your business needs.

Currently DevBricks supports automated coding for:


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Screenshot of a software interface titled 'Highly Flexible Generation Platform' featuring coloured blocks representing various programming frameworks like React, .NET, and Next.js

Integrated stand-up bot

Stay up to date with every move from DevBricks by seamlessly integrating our customizable stand-up bot into your preferred communication systems.
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Slack interface of a scheduling application named DevBricks Configuration, with options for setting up a stand-up schedule for different days of the week and time settings.

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